Broadway! |
We arrived in New York City to stay four nights and no real plan on what we wanted to see. Obviously, there was going to be a lot that we would not be able to see this trip. Jane wanted very badly to take a water taxi into the harbor to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. During her working days she oversaw an archive of Ellis Island medical records and successfully transferred these records back to Ellis Island before she retired. So, she had a personal connection to the site. We didn't do much our first day because we were pretty whipped out with our 74 mile trip from Barnegat Inlet and all of the excitement we encountered in NY harbor.
Times Square |
Jane's moment in the spotlight |
More Times Square |
Mmmmmm! NY Pizza! |
Prowling loopers in NYC |
eaded over to the Brooklyn Diner for lunch. This was a classy white linen place, but the menu offered NY style thin crust pizza, and that is what we had. It was a really great meal.
Resting the knees in Bryant Park |
Jane & the Chrysler Building |
In the subway |
After lunch Jane wanted to wander over to 5th Avenue, probably hoping to find the Saks store that resides somewhere on that street. On the way we passed Bryant Park and stopped so the old knees some of the party had to deal with could take a break. We made it to 5th Avenue and there was talk about going to the Empire State Building, but the walking distances involved convinced some of the party to opt out. Eventually, everyone decided to return to the marina, and we rode the subway back. There's so much walking involved that it's no wonder that NYC seems to be populated by very young and thin people. We got back to the boat and had supper aboard before watching a movie and turning in.
A rock in Central Park |
King Creole's cooking! |
Love 'dem mudbugs |
Chilling out on Bavarian Cream |
Linda, Jane & Dixie |
The next morning the skies were overcast and threatening rain. Jane wanted to take an early walk in Central Park. We headed over to the park, passing some really ritzy real estate, and strolled through the park for about an hour. On the way back to the boat we stopped at Zabar's world famous delicatessen and went in to get some stuff for the boat. We found about two dozen varieties of olives and olive mixtures in wooden barrels and picked up about a half-dozen different choices. Then we went to the cheese section where we picked up about 5 different types of cheeses that we had never heard of. At the meat section, we found some prepared meats that, although really pricey, would make a couple of nice meals for us on the boat. Then over to the bread section for some really great bread. On the way back to the boat we spotted a couple of trucks with New Orleans phone numbers on the side. "King Creole, Mr. Mudbug" from Kenner, LA was boiling crawfish under a bridge for a private party for NY Tulane University Alumni. They had a jazz band, carnival throws, and all the fixings set up right next to a restaurant next to the marina. When we got back to the boat, Dixie called Jane and wanted to know if she wanted to go shopping. Of course, Jane said yes and we agreed to invite Dickie & Dixie for dinner on
Bavarian Cream. Well, about 2 hours later, Jane returns and said the Dickie & Dixie didn't want to come for dinner, but were going to crash the TU party. We had dinner on the boat and around 7 p.m., Dixie called and said that she had a sack of crawfish for us! Jane went up to the restaurant and picked up the crawfish and brought them back to the boat. We had just finished peeling our bag, when Dickie & Dixie and Larry & Linda showed up for drinks. What an evening! We sat an talked and drank until almost 10 p.m.
Mmmmmm! Eating a mozarepa |
A pulled pork sandwich and a lobster roll |
The next morning the skies were still overcast and we couldn't decide what we were going to do. After watching the TV we learned that the Puerto Rican parade was going to be coming into our vicinity. So, we headed up to Broadway where we found a street fair with all kinds of vendors and eateries for several blocks. We walked up and down while Jane shopped her heart out. We ended up back at the boat and planned our trip up the Hudson for the next day.
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